Monday, December 10, 2007

Then there was after...

After pics of Nancy's dress, before pics in previous blog... go look. I bubbled the dress by cutting the lining about 6 inches shorter than the outer layer, then gathered it on elastic cut smaller than the actual width of the dress. I noticed lighter fabrics don't reflect the bubblyness as much as stiffer fabrics. Will try to do bubble skirt with different fabric next time.

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Sorry aboot the picture quality, I'm getting Photoshop CS3 right now so I can edit properly. Since my computer crashed I haven't had time to install my old programs.

Currently looking for model to collaborate with so I can start doing my own ACTUAL line of clothing. Need someone to work on TFP (trade for pics) basis.

In other awesomely good news, I doubled my profits last month and am attempting to do the same this month. I've got a few good prospects for the next week, one lady needs shirts designed for a promotional gig in Feb. and another needs linens done. More excited about the promo shirts than the linens... the word "linens" itself just denotes boringness. Uber cold in my workroom, heater on full and theres a terrible draft that comes in through my door. Anyone else having these problems?

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Craig has a List

Craig has a list, of people looking for people and people looking for jobs and people looking for stuff.... as much as I love all the people looking for various things one can look for, I found another site to post free ads on:

Funny really, I posted an ad on CraigsList about doing alterations and 15 minutes later some guy calls about having some of his suit pants tailored. He stated "It feels like I'm swimming in my pants" cuz they're too wide. I'll see how posting on this new site goes. What I need to do is my required publication for my DBA. That'll definitely bring in the business.

Currently doing more costumes for a school production of The Nutcracker. Finishing up stuff for Sita @ Sita Style. And making a vintage dress bubble for my friend Nancy:

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"Before" picture.

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