Matching roman shades made for Cathy! Also made seat cover for small stool, it's removable with an elastic backing, and machine washable!!
Just finished doing a bunch of pillows and curtains for TV show Trading Spaces on the TLC network. Very fun, pictures available upon request =)
Currently doing stuff for Jane (crib rail covers and redesigning her baby carrier), shirts for Redline99, more stuff for Cathy, something for Sava, and making more stuff for my etsy store . Went to downtown today (Fashion District of course) and bought 10 pounds of fabric for $20... gotta love the Michael Levine Loft store!!
Got some other deals in the works, just need to repost my Craig's List ad and close out some jobs!! Business is doing really well, despite some weirdo stalking me after I canceled an appointment with him. I declined the job cuz he was being neurotic before the job even started! I told him I wasn't comfortable working with him and that he seemed like a difficult person to work with, he proceeded to BEG me to meet him and to give him a second chance... then he shows up for our canceled appointment and demands to meet with me. Almost had to call the cops =(
More drama with a seamstress I recently hired, she screwed up an order and won't answer my calls. If you ever come across a seamstress named Toi, she is not to be trusted!! So now I have to re-do it on my own, argg. It's been the best worst week ever!!
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