Monday, December 19, 2011

player_1: Jamestown Charge Ship Dress Shirt

The latest in our player_1 collection was released over the weekend, featuring Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony. Again, another personal favourite of mine, I spent days on the Martian frontier shooting at pixelated space aliens and attempting to keep from throwing my controller across the room from sheer frustration ;) I think at one point we placed #83 on the leaderboards going through the Gauntlet on Divine. I also found myself humming bits of the soundtrack while I did the dishes and similarly inane daily tasks. It all shortly turned into a well of inspiration, and soon I found myself on the phone with the guys at Final Form Games talking about shirts and junk. The art used for the shirt is straight from the ship and weapon options...

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

player_1 and Space Pirates and Zombies

player_1 is our new collection of licensed merchandise. It features independently developed video games and their awesome art. Each shirt uses in-game imagery and graphics screen printed in white on black dress shirts. The idea behind the collection is to provide high quality shirts for gamers and save them from the fashion coma that is the screen printed t-shirt. The first in the collection is for the game SPAZ, or Space Pirates and Zombies. After playing countless hours of the game, I was inspired by a lot of the blueprints for the different ships and all the fantastic background art that appeared through out my many space adventures. With sourcing the shirts from a local suit shop in LA's fashion district, we were able to find an amazing...

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Behind the Magick:
A Short Story About a Bathrobe

My power colour is Purple. After jamming out on some local co-op with a friend -- me on the mouse and keys, he on his gamepad... My friend: "Wouldn't it be cool if you made Magicka Robes?" Me: "Wouldn't it be cool if I made Magicka Bathrobes?...

Monday, September 06, 2010

Old Projects, New Post:
The Harley Quinn Dress

Inspired by the character Harley Quinn from the Batman comics. September 2009Was posted on my Etsy store about a year ago and bought by a lovely lady in Australia who provided this picture of her wearing the dre...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Old Projects, New Post:
Trading Spaces

Some pieces I did for the show Trading Spaces on TLC a couple years ago. I was contacted by their lead interior designer to design and make a few pillows for a house they did in Whittier. I missed the actual airing of the episode they were on, but lucky snagged a few photos before I left the job site.July 2...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Old Projects, New Post:
The Left 4 Dead Collection

For the past year I have been focused on some of my own designs as seen on my storefront 16 Bit Fashion. The inspiration behind many of the items are found in comic book and videogame art and culture. This is the first item that appeared on the store that received any recognition in the world of geekery. It is the Health Pack, the in-game item used to heal your teammates who become injured by various zombie inflicted afflictions in the videogame Left 4 Dead. After nights of executing zombies with my friends, and days of sewing together various projects... the merger of the two ideas seemed inevitable. Noticing that there wasn't anything else like it currently available to gamers such as myself, it came into creation and was quickly brought...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Old Projects, New Post:
180 iSnuggy

I designed and produced this iSnuggy for Ron over at Headcase Games to promote his iPhone App "180".First Prototype: Moon Heart Star CoinsFinal Design: 180 Logo Product...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Old Projects, New Post:
Reconstructed Basmati Rice Bag

My client found this bag of rice at Costco and after finishing it off thought it would make a great tote, she was right: Basmati Rice Tote January 2010The bag itself is Burlap, lined in purple broadcloth with molded red zipper and finished on the sides with a red top-stitch. I also put a small pocket on the inside (not show...

Friday, August 06, 2010

Old Projects, New Post:
Amilie's Dresses

I realize I haven't updated this blog in a while, so I thought I'd post some stuff I did a while ago. It's good to be so busy that you don't have time for blogging, but I'm finally making some time to make these things public and write a bit about what I'm doing. That being said, the next few posts will be a little retroactive in nature. In this post are little dresses I made for my 1 year old niece, Amilie, last year.Yo Gabba Gabba inspired Foofa Dress July 2009Spiderman Dress made out of a reconstructed t-shirt December 2009I am currently working on some NDA protected projects with a couple designers and continuing to take on-line orders on my Etsy store for custom made comic book and videogame inspired items. The Spiderman dress was originally...

Sunday, October 18, 2009


A few table runners and napkins I did for a recent wedding:Made of Burlap, Silk, and Velvet.Other pictures from the wedding: Just finished: sample run for Revolution 1228Currently working on: cushions, curtains, pillows, Etsy orders, and more pieces for Tric...

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